Watch Susie officially launch the FungiQuest here:
How to get involved in Australia’s largest fungi bioblitz!
Join QuestaGame by downloading the app to your phone or signing up via the website. Once you’re in, you can start uploading sightings and they will automatically be included in the FungiQuest if ‘Fungi and Friends’ is selected as the category. Check out this Quick Guide for more information on using QuestaGame.
The FungiQuest will aggregate data from multiple apps through the BioSMART.LIFE platform. This means that observations from iNaturalist users, Nature Mapr users etc will automatically be included in the count, along with QuestaGame and other apps.

To increase the chance of your sighting being identified on the app, make sure that your fungus photos are as clear as possible, showing both the top and underside, the stem if there is one, the scale (you can add a coin etc to show scale), whether it’s singular or a group and if a group then ideally different stages of development, and include some habitat and substrate detail in the image so we can get a sense of the local environment. You can also add information in the notes about what it is growing on and the ecosystem where it’s found (such as dominant tree species).