A huge congratulations to Katrina Syme from Denmark WA and Dr Teresa Lebel from the State Herbarium of South Australia for identifying and naming a new species of Cortinarius. Back in 2022, Fungimap awarded Katrina a grant to name new species of fungi in South West Western Australia, work to be carried out in collaboration with mycologist Teresa, who dealt with DNA analysis and edited and submitted the final paper. They overcame a number of hurdles – including low rainfall resulting in poor fungi seasons in south-west WA – and being pipped at the post when on the cusp of submitting their paper on a new species of Russula. However, they came out trumps in identifying a new species – Cortinarius magentiguttatus, named in reference to the fine magenta-coloured particles scattered across the pileus and lower stipe of the pale sporocarps. (“magenteus” = L. for the
colour magenta or red-purple and “guttatus” for spotted or speckled). They are now working on more species of Russula and no doubt will continue adding to our knowledge of fungi. The Fungal Planet description sheet can be viewed below.