Jason Carter

During 2021, Jason has been exploring the bushland around the Sydney / Blue Mountains area in search of fungi. As a new DSLR photographer, he has taken many steps towards getting the ‘perfect shot’, and spends a lot of time in both shooting and processing, in an attempt to illustrate the found specimens in fine detail.

He would like to share the results with you, a ‘best of’ selection:

Hygrocybe collucera
Byles Creek, Cheltenham
Picipes melanopus
Lisgar Gardens, Hornsby
Porpolomopsis lewelliniae
Two Creeks Track, Gordon
Cortinarius rotundisporus
Blackbutt Creek, Gordon
Clavaria zollingeri
Sassafras Gully, Springwood

All images © Jason Carter / CC BY-NC-ND applies.
To request permission to use these images, please contact Jason via