We are pleased to introduce Barry Muir from Cairns as our next webinar speaker: Thursday 10th November 5pm AWST (WA), 6.30pm ACST (NT), 7pm AEST (QLD), 7.30pm ACDT (SA), 8pm AEDT (VIC/NSW/TAS) Held via Zoom. Free for Fungimap members, donation for every...
Tag: australianfungi
The Great Aussie FungiQuest is live!
Watch Susie officially launch the FungiQuest here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trYB3eHKmO4 How to get involved in Australia’s largest fungi bioblitz! https://www.biosmart.life/ausfungiquest Log your fungi sightings from anywhere in Australia from 25...