We are mapping the distribution of fungal species over time around Australia and we do this thanks to the work of hundreds of volunteers – professional and amateurs – who send us the records of their observations from the remotest parts of Australia to parks and gardens in our cities. This is now primarily done through the ‘Fungimap Australia’ project on iNaturalist.
We spread the word about the ecological importance of fungi.
We advocate for fungal conservation and investment in mycology.
We assist by providing online field guides and tools for identification, help with conducting fungi forays and observation record templates. We hold events and training in fungal identification.
We also:
- oversee fungal observation records for transfer to the Atlas of Living Australia database
- established a rare species database for tracking rare and threatened species
- publish books on fungi and links to other sources of knowledge
- hold national and local events and training in fungal identification and surveying
- publish a monthly enewsletter and occasional blogs
- encourage and support state-based and regional fungi groups
- provide educational resources to primary and secondary school teachers
- facilitate advice in effective management of fungi to land managers
We use the data from observations and the work of mycologists and researchers to inform government and the broader community about the ecological importance of fungi and the need for much more research and protection to avoid species loss.