The following fungal species were assessed in 2019 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and are now part of the global Red List of Threatened Species for Australia:
- Horse Mushroom – Agaricus arvensis – Least Concern
- Field Mushroom – Agaricus campestris – Least Concern
- Pavement Mushroom – Agaricus bitorquis – Least Concern
- Blushing Wood Mushroom – Agaricus sylvaticus – Least Concern
- Amanita elongatospora – Vulnerable
- Vermilion Grisette – Amanita xanthocephala – Least Concern
- Antrelloides atroceracea – Vulnerable
- Auriscalpium sp. nov. ‘Blackwood’ – Endangered
- Austroboletus viscidoviridis – Vulnerable
- Penny Bun – Boletus edulis – Least Concern
- Bondarzewia retipora – Vulnerable
- Beenak Long Tooth – Beenakia dacostae – Near Threatened
- Fischer’s Egg – Claustula fischeri – Endangered
- Shaggy Ink Cap – Coprinus comatus – Least Concern
- Cyttaria septentrionalis – Vulnerable
- Entoloma ravinense – Endangered
- Velvet Shank – Flammulina velutipes – Least Concern
- Common Green Shield – Flavoparmelia caperata – Least Concern
- Heimioporus australis – Endangered
- Bearded Tooth – Hericium erinaceus – Least Concern
- Hygrocybe boothii – Endangered
- Tea-tree Fingers – Hypocreopsis amplectens – Critically Endangered
- Humidicutis arcohastata– Near Threatened
- Sheathed Woodtuft – Kuehneromyces mutabilis – Least Concern
- Common Puffball – Lycoperdon perlatum – Least Concern
- Macrolepiota eucharis – Vulnerable
- Melanoleuca clelandii – Data Deficient
- Montagnea radiosa – Least Concern
- Oudemansiella turbinispora – Data Deficient
- Phaeophyscia hispidula – Least Concern
- Russula galbana – Least Concern
- Sarcodon sp. nov. ‘Wombat’ – Vulnerable
- Suillus bovinus – Least Concern
- Slippery Jack – Suillus luteus – Least Concern
- Weeping Bolete – Suillus granulatus – Least Concern
- Thuemenidium sp. nov. ‘Australasia’ – Data Deficient
Conservation of fungi is important and, through our work with Lost Fungi, we hope to encourage you to learn about local fungi that are likely to be rare and threatened. Please record them when you can. This work contributes to the global effort in monitoring biodiversity, particularly that done through the IUCN Red List process.
Critically Endangered

Tea-tree Fingers – Hypocreopsis amplectens
Buchanan, P. & May, T. 2019. Hypocreopsis amplectens. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T80188449A80188453. Downloaded on 14 April 2020.
McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M. 2019 Other Lost Fungi – Tea-tree Fingers – Hypocreopsis amplectens. Fungimap.

Auriscalpium sp. nov. ‘Blackwood’
May, T. 2019. Auriscalpium sp. nov. ‘Blackwood’. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154932417A154932424. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M. 2019 Other Lost Fungi –Auriscalpium sp. nov. ‘Blackwood’. Fungimap.
Entoloma ravinense
Catcheside, P. & May, T. 2019. Entoloma ravinense. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species2019: e.T154843479A154843580. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
Catcheside, P. & Catcheside, D. 2021 Entoloma ravinense – an endangered fungus. Fungimap.
Heimioporus australis
Leonard, P.L. 2019. Heimioporus australis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154464996A154465948. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
Hygrocybe boothii
Leonard, P.L. 2019. Hygrocybe boothii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154488629A154489434. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
Fischer’s Egg – Claustula fischeri
Buchanan, P. & May, T. 2015. Claustula fischeri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T75720773A75720776. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
Grey P and Grey E 2005 Fungi down under: the Fungimap guide to Australian fungi. Fungimap: South Yarra, Victoria.
Near Threatened
Beenak Long Tooth – Beenakia dacostae

May, T., Leonard, P.L. & Cooper, J.A. 2019. Beenakia dacostae. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154843178A154843191. Downloaded 15 January 2020.
McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M. 2019 Other Lost Fungi – Beenak Long Tooth – Beenakia dacostae Fungimap.
Humidicutis arcohastata
Leonard, P.L. 2019. Humidicutis arcohastata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154472574A154474363. Downloaded 02 January 2020.
Amanita elongatospora

Leonard, P.L. 2019. Amanita elongatospora. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154321520A154323090. Accessed15 January 2020.
Antrelloides atroceracea
Catcheside, P. & May, T. 2019. Antrelloides atroceracea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154926290A154926297. Downloaded 15 January 2020.
Austroboletus viscidoviridis
Leonard, P.L. 2019. Austroboletus viscidoviridis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154427870A154427897. Downloaded 15 January 2020.
Bondarzewia retipora
Leonard, P.L. 2019. Bondarzewia retipora. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154430456A154430616. Downloaded 15 January 2020.
Cyttaria septentrionalis
Leonard, P.L. 2019. Cyttaria septentrionalis (errata version published in 2020). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154440031A185718313. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
Macrolepiota eucharis
Leonard, P.L. 2019. Macrolepiota eucharis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154528917A154528944. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
Sarcodon sp. nov. ‘Wombat’
May, T. 2019. Sarcodon sp. nov. ‘Wombat’. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154932503A154932509. Downloaded on 12 August 2021.
Least Concern
Vermilion Grisette – Amanita xanthocephala
May, T. 2019. Amanita xanthocephala. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T154842883A154842943. Downloaded on 02 January 2020.
Grey P and Grey E 2005 Fungi down under: the Fungimap guide to Australian fungi. Fungimap: South Yarra, Victoria.
Sheathed Woodtuft – Kuehneromyces mutabilis
Dahlberg, A. 2019. Kuehneromyces mutabilis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T122090579A122090963. Downloaded on 15 January 2020.
Montagnea radiosa – unconfirmed in Australia
Kałucka, I.L. 2019. Montagnea radiosa. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T125433585A125435470. Downloaded on 15 January 2020.
Associated with grasslands world wide.
On a world-wide scale, threats to the species are not sufficiently known. The sites where this species occurs in Europe are threatened mainly by intensification or cessation of grassland management, eutrophication and afforestation.
Research on the identity and distribution of M. radiosa as well as on its ecology and habitat requirements is recommended.