Amanita muscaria – Fly Agaric

On the ground and in litter, mainly under pines. This large, introduced species is the toadstool of fairy tales. It is easily recognisable by the large bright red cap with pale warty spots, and the white stem with a flared ring. The volva is several scaly band...

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Amanita austroviridis group – Green-gilled Amanita

Amanita austroviridis group includes Amanita chlorophylla  In litter under trees in coastal vegetation. This large agaric has a green to cream cap, olive-green gills and a green spore print. Veil fragments remain on top of the cap as flat green patches and as...

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Coprinus comatus – Lawyer’s Wig

In disturbed areas in soil, grass and mulch. This tall agaric has a shaggy white cylindrical cap with brown-tipped white scales like an old musty lawyer’s wig. The cap turns to black liquid from the margin until only the white stalk remains. When mature ...

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Bolbitius titubans – Egg-yolk Fieldcap

(Synonym Bolbitius vitellinus) In fertilised grass or lawns, mainly in urban areas. Small, bright yellow, slimy buttons identify young specimens. With age, the colour fades to buff or off-white; as the cap flattens, the marginal grooves become apparent. The pa...

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Agaricus xanthodermus – Yellow Stainer

In grass and soil in urban areas. This large white-capped agaric is distinguished by bright yellow staining on fresh caps or stem bases when rubbed. Young caps have flattened tops with vertical sides, the stem has a large double ring, and gills are white to pu...

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