Second population of lost Earpick fungus found

Second population of lost Earpick fungus found

The great news early in 2019 was that a second population of the the Stemless Earpick – (Auriscalpium sp. ‘Blackwood’) was found by fungi observer extraordinaire Reiner near Olinda in the Dandenong Ranges East of Melbourne. The Stemless Earpick is a ...

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Be merry! The Green-staining Coral has recently been spotted

Be merry! The Green-staining Coral has recently been spotted

Lost fungus the Green-staining Coral (Phaeoclavulina abietina) has been seen in two new locations in 2019 in Ballarat and Westgate Park in Melbourne. This coral-shaped fruit body is small, multi-branched, yellowish, staining green all over. It grows in cluster...

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Australian fungi included on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Australian fungi included on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Tom May, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Earlier this month, 51 species of fungi were formally added to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, as a result of assessments carried out at the Australasian Fungi Red List Workshop held in Melbourne in July. This i...

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Claustula fischeri – Bunyip Egg

On the ground, in wet forests of Tasmania. Unlike other more bizarre stinkhorns, Bunyip Egg is just a white egg-shaped structure. This is attached at the base by a thin thread to the purple volva (basal cup) formed from remains of the outer egg. When the volva...

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Laccocephalum hartmannii – Chestnut Polypore

Usually on the ground, in litter at the base of eucalypt trunks. When mature, this fleshy polypore has a velvety, chestnut-coloured cap which often cracks when dry to expose bright mustard-yellow flesh. The velvety brown stem is thick, woody and furrowed. Minu...

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