Our friends, Fungal Network of NZ, are running a 4-day foray and 1-day colloquium next year at Awakeri – a hot springs area – near the north coast of the North Island, May 12-18 2019.
Awakeri has easy access to forests and spectacular reserves in the area between Matata, Hongi’s Track, Tarawera Falls, Putauaki, to the coastal reserves as far as Ohiwa Harbour.
FNNZ are in discussions about access with Te Urewera, Moutohora Is and Whakaari Is. Look for updates on their facebook page and website.
A good selection of accommodation is available; approximate prices per night from $25 >$300. Please book early. To discuss accommodation i-SITE Or DIY:
Awakeri Springs ; stay 4 or more nights get one night free. Whakatane is < 18 mins from Foray base and Ohope approx. 20 mins.