New resource: how to photograph and describe my fungus

New resource: how to photograph and describe my fungus

Catherine Marciniak (@planet_fungi) and Susie Webster from Fungimap have kindly put together a free downloadable field guide for photographing and describing fungal specimens (complete with beautiful photos by Steve Axford!) It also includes a step-by-step pro...

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Entoloma ravinense – endangered

Entoloma ravinense – endangered

  Mycologists, people who study fungi, get very excited when they come across rare or interesting species or groups of species. One such is a group of small, almost stemless gilled fungi, in the subgenus Claudopus. We have been surveying the fungi in the park...

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iNaturalist project – FAQs

iNaturalist project – FAQs

To be a member of the Fungimap Australia project on iNaturalist, sign up here and click on “Join this project” on the upper right of the page. Top 6 most Frequently Asked Questions about our project: Do I need to know the ID before uploading each ...

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Find our Fungi! SA Murraylands and Riverland region

Find our Fungi! SA Murraylands and Riverland region

The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board (SA) have teamed up with Fungimap to develop a citizen science instruction booklet and identification chart for community fungi monitoring. Ten target species have been selected, and community citizen scientists ar...

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Perth: Sharp-eyed four year old spots previously unrecorded slime mould in Kings Park

Perth: Sharp-eyed four year old spots previously unrecorded slime mould in Kings Park

By Roz Hart, Fungimap President My four year old grandson Miles Hart was playing in the natural areas playground in Kings Park, Perth, when he noticed what looked like small greeny-blue and some bronze-gold metallic balls sticking at the base and up a tree s...

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