Calostoma fuhreri – Desert Prettymouth

On the ground, on dry sand-ridges and sandstone and granite outcrops in the Vic-SA ‘Desert’ areas. This small puffball appears as dense black patches. A round dark brown head, covered with black granules, has a raised red mouth and a short, below-g...

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Battarrea phalloides – Tall Stiltball

(Synonym Battarrea stevenii) In dry, sandy soil in native vegetation. The woody stem of this puffball is very tall, light brown and scaly. Fruit-bodies emerge from a sand-coloured egg. This splits to form a cup (volva) at the stem base and, at the top, a cushi...

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Uromyces politus – Tangled Lignum Rust

This rust appears to be restricted to wiry stems and branches of Tangled Lignum. Like many rusts, Tangled Lignum Rust has a complex life cycle with different stages. In spring, tiny (to 2mm) orange to ivory tubular cluster-cups (aecia) are produced. These are ...

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Stereum ostrea – Golden Curtain Crust

On dead wood in wet native forests. Large, thin, funnel-shaped fruit-bodies are often massed on fallen logs, and the exposed smooth lower surface glows golden in gloomy light. Coloured bands on the velvety upper surface grade from brown near the base through o...

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Stereum hirsutum group – Hairy Curtain Crust

On dead wood, cosmopolitan. Growing in tiers, the upper surface of this soft, leathery, shelf-like species has a dense covering of hairs over concentric zones of pale yellow and orange-brown. The lower surface is smooth and coloured in zones of pale yellows an...

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