Welcome to our new Fungimap Coordinator

Welcome to the new Fungimap Coordinator – Tamara Walton. Tamara is based in Tasmania and comes to us with a background in marine science, conservation and government relations having previously worked with CSIRO and Parks Australia.  Tamara is an avid fungi enthusiast and is lucky enough to live on the doorstep of Mount Field and the Styx Valley where she spends many an hour looking for fungi – most of which she can’t yet name but she is set to hit the ground running as the new Coordinator.  The Fungimap Committee would also like to extend its heartfelt thanks to Sophie Green who has been the Coordinator for the past X years. As many of you will know Sophie has been an exceptional Coordinator whose work behind the scenes has kept Fungimap on course. 

We won’t be losing Sophie though as she will continue working with us running a 3 year pilot project “Fungi for Function: bushland health indicators“. This is an exciting fungi surveying project which will be developed with citizen scientists at 10 sites throughout the Mount Lofty Ranges. It will focus on target species within the four fungi functional groups (lichens, recyclers, mycorrhizae, and parasites).