Trailing for fungi at the Waite Conservation Reserve

Article and images by Tijana Petrovic

A wise mycologist once advised a group of fungi enthusiasts on learning to identify fungi: “Start with one genus, an easy one like Amanita, and learn the morphological characters listed on the identification sheet.” This was advice that I (un)fortunately didn’t follow when I applied for and received the Fungimap Spore Grant Fund in 2022 to study fungi living in association with native trees in the Waite Conservation Reserve. 

The Waite Conservation Reserve is one of the few surviving Nationally endangered Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa) Grassy Woodlands located on the western slopes of the Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia. A grassy woodland encompasses a tree layer that is dominated by Grey Box, and an understorey with native grasses and a varying ratio of shrubs and herbs that often appear as wildflowers in spring. Other tree species associated with this ecological community are River Red Gum, South Australian Blue Gum and Drooping Sheoak. 

Figure 1. Survey area vegetation and observation locations map

Originally, the land was used for horticulture, timber and quarrying, and it was disturbed by intermittent grazing by 1992. Since then, the Reserve has been dedicated to conserving and protecting this grassy woodland ecosystem. 

Two years ago, with help from Peter Bird, a small, flat, mostly undisturbed area at Waite CR was chosen for a fungi survey [approx. 0.132km2, area A on the map (Figure 1)]. This area is rich in fallen trees and logs. A small area B, opposite the undisturbed area A, is steep and heavily infested with Oxalis sp. and was occasionally visited. The aim was to record and identify fungal genera/species associated with living trees and potentially mycorrhizal, as well as to record other fungi growing on dead wood, leaf litter, and other substrates. During the 2022 fungi season (29 May – 11 September), the site was visited every 7-10 days. Field notes were made, fungi were photographed with an iPhone, and photos were uploaded to iNaturalist app, under the Fungimap Australia project. In the 2023 fungi season (6 May – 3 September), the site was visited every 2 weeks. In both years, interesting findings (fruiting bodies) were collected, examined under a dissecting microscope, morphologically described, and some were dried in a food processor at 38°C.  

In total, 175 specimens (94 in 2022 and 81 in 2023) were tentatively identified to various taxonomic ranks using the iNaturalist app, field guides, and in some cases assistance from mycologists and iNaturalist members (Table 1). Of the 47 morphological species identified in 2022 and 2023, 27 achieved Research Grade, while 16 species are Fungimap species (e.g. Agaricus xanthodermus, Amanita xanthocephala, Cortinarius sinapicolor, Macrolepiota clelandii, Mycena interrupta, Mycena nargan, Omphalotus nidiformis, etc.). 

Table 1. Fungi at the Waite CR (2022-2023) identified to various taxonomy ranks

After revisiting these observations with increased knowledge and understanding of fungi, I’ve realized that some recorded specimens need to be reclassified based on their morphological characteristics and associated substrates. For instance, a yellow disc fungus found on small twigs lying on the soil surface was initially misidentified as the soil-born mycorrhizal Yellow Earth Buttons (Phaeohelotium baileyanum) (iNaturalist, observation 126612625). This case serves as a good learning example of how substrate can help eliminate certain fungal groups and guide beginners towards more accurate identifications. It is highly likely that many more corrections would be necessary for fungal observations at the Waite CR if DNA sequencing were performed. 

Almost 70% of fungi found in 2022 were spotted again in 2023, and some agaric fungi even appeared in the same spot, either a soil patch or dead/fallen tree (e.g. Clavulina vinaceocervina, Clitocybe fragrans?,  Heterotextus peziziformis, Laccaria sp., Lichenomphalia chromacea, Phaeochelotium baileyanum, Phaeotrametes decipiens). However, some fungi were noticed only in 2022 but not in 2023 and vice versa (e.g. Ascobolus crenulatus, Limacella sp., Peziza thozetii, Phyloporus sp., Russula sp., Tulostoma sp. etc.). This might be due to the seasonal variation in the rainfall and temperature during the fungal seasons (Appendix 1). 

The Ghost fungus (Omphalotus nidiformis) was one of the most exciting fungi finds recorded in June to mid July 2022, and late May 2023. In 2022, it was frequently observed growing in overlapping clusters at the base of living Grey Box trunks and one dead tree. The following year, in 2023, it was found on a Eucalyptus sp. stump. Notably, while the Ghost fungus was commonly encountered in 2022, sightings were less frequent in 2023.

Figure 2. Ghost fungi, young (upper row) and mature (bottom row), growing at the base of Grey Box trunks. White spore print (upper row).

Fruit bodies varied in size from 5 cm to 30 cm in diameter, and most of them had an inverted saucepan and/or fan shape, and almost none had a typical funnel shape (Figure 2). Even young fruit bodies showed a superficial similarity to the edible oyster mushrooms (e.g. King Oyster) due to their cap shape, short tapering stem, and decurrent gills when first spotted in June 2022 (Figure 2, upper row left). Cap colour ranged from creamy white in young specimens to various orange and brown hues spreading from centre to edge in mature ones, and they scattered their white spore prints. Their sturdy and tough appearance matched well with the rough and flaky grey bark of their host. Several fruit bodies showed signs of being eaten by marsupials. If I have the opportunity to conduct further work, I would like to focus on the Ghost fungus’ ecological role, looking at its parasitic and saprotrophic nature and functions.  

Apart from frequently found Ghost fungus, there are at least a few common agaric species in the surveyed area which occurred throughout both fungi seasons. Each of them taught me, as an amateur, not to trust the colour of gills as an indicator of spore print colour. For example, I have suspected that Agaric fungus A would produce a pale brown spore print, and Agaric fungus B would produce a white spore print. However, white (Agaric A) and pale apricot (Agaric B) spore prints appeared on the glass slides. Some of their morphological features are listed below their images.    

Agaric fungus A:
Attached to small pieces of wood in soil (saprotrophic)

Cap – dark brown, velvety with a small central depression, dull, dry, ca. 32mm diam. 
Gills – sinuate, crowded, thick, cream colour. White spore print. 
Stem – 50mm long, at the base 8mm wide, close to the cap 3.5mm wide. Dry, fibrillose surface. Stem is not rounded, more flat looking. No partial veil.
(iNaturalist observation 126609308) 

Agaric fungus B: Growing from soil beside fallen branch. Liquorice smell.

Cap – ca. 55mm diam., broadly convex to flat, slightly incurved margins; surface dull, moist, glabrous. Gills – slightly decurrent, crowded, with smooth margin. Pale apricot spore print. 
Stem – 46mm long, 13mm wide, slightly off centre, slightly tapered down, with fibrillose surface. No partial veil.
(iNaturalist observation: 126706289) 

Agaric fungus C: Grow on soil covered with leaf litter. Often seen in pairs.

Cap – ca. 27mm diam., plane shape of margin in cross section, striate -surface view. Fine fibres on the cap under dissecting microscope. Gills free. Rusty brown spore print. Stem – 45mm long, 5mm wide, central, fibrillose. New fruit bodies were pinning at the base. No partial veil.
(iNaturalist observation: 126723748) 

While my work diverged from the original project objective of identifying fungi associated with native trees and those that are supposedly mycorrhizal, it yielded useful outcomes for future research. All observations, including notes and unhidden GPS coordinates, are documented in the iNaturalist Fungimap Australia project and the Waite Conservation Reserve collection project, facilitating ongoing monitoring of specific fungal groups. Additionally, the morphological identification of at least 40 specimens to the genus level provides a foundation for potential future DNA sequencing studies if opportunity arises. At the personal level, my deepest fungi learning came from spontaneous moments of explorationsifting through leaf litter, examining logs, and looking at fungal characteristicsall under the figurative guidance of two experienced and wise mycologists.  

Appendix 1: Monthly rainfall and temperature trends in Waite CR (2022-2023)*

*Weather data are from Mt Lofty station 023842, as Waite CR is part of the Mt Lofty Ranges.