Be a Fungimap citizen scientist. Record and map.
Start with 100 target species. Join a fungi foray.
What to take. What to look for.
Fungimap citizen scientists are helping us map 100 distinctive Australian species.
Not enough is known about fungi in Australia or where they occur. This is why we selected 100 target species as a useful start in the massive task of making distribution maps of fungi Australia-wide. They were chosen because they are:
- representative of the main fungal groups
- identifiable in the field using features visible to the naked eye
- distinctive with clearly defined features
- relatively common
We published a book; Fungi Down Under, the Fungimap Guide to Australian Fungi and this is available from our shop and in CD form. This has detailed descriptions of each, illustrated by photos and maps showing where they have so far been recorded.
See the lists (arranged in fungal groups) of these species in the drop down pages of “Fungi Down Under’ in the top menu bar and click on the names for photos and details.
See below for the online lists and click on the name to open up descriptions and photos for each species.
- Agarics
- Chanterelles, Boletes, Polypores, Toothed
- Leathers, Corals, Jellies, Rusts, Earthstars, Stalked Puffballs
- Stinkhorns, Beech Orange, Clubs, Cups, Crusts, Discs, Morels, Pins
So far, we have collected over 100,000 records on our Fungimap Database. This database is a unique collection of information about Australia’s fungi, facilitating research by scientists and citizen scientists alike.
How to record and map
The best time to see the fruit-bodies of fungi is autumn/winter, especially after good rain. Fungi are in all natural ecosystems but the greatest diversity is likely to be found in places that are relatively undisturbed. You may also see fungi in your local park, particularly if it has native vegetation, and even in your garden.
We recommend that you start by joining a fungi foray organised by experienced citizen science groups and individuals. Our calendar and enewsletters will publish details of these – subscribe here.
Familiarise yourself here with what to look for in identifying species.
Useful things to take:
- a camera (with a macro lens if possible) to help with identification and to remind you of the habitat where the fungus was found. See our photography tips here.
- small mirror for looking at the gills, teeth or pores on the underside of a cap or bracket
- a hand lens or small magnifying glass – x 5 or 10 magnification
- a field guide – preferably Fungi Down Under
- a pen knife in case you need to lift species out of the ground. (You need permission of the land owner to remove specimens.)
- a small box or basket and tissue paper to keep specimens intact
- our online Fungimap record sheet which can be submitted directly from your smart phone to us
- our email-able Fungimap record-sheet and pencil and notebook for recording details, perhaps a sketch, and location (or do this on your phone)
Send your records and captioned photographs to us for verifying at and we will add them to the Fungimap Database and the Atlas of Living Australia. See here for what the ALA does and why it’s worth a look.
If you are unsure about the species name you can ask us to help with identification here:
Request for help with identifying fungi
Happy Fungimapping!