We invite applications for the part-time (0.3) position of Fungimap Coordinator, responsible for the overall coordination of Fungimap, the Fungimap office at the Royal Botanic Gardens, financial systems, reporting, events, communications, and the coordination...
Category: General
A Parasite on Tea-tree Bug

Fungimap has been monitoring Tea-tree fingers – a parasitic fungus on a paint fungus that lives on Tea-tree. Septobasidium clelandii is a parasitic fungus that can be found emerging from swellings on Tea-tree twigs. However it is not parasitic on the Te...
FDU2 images needed urgently

The 2nd edition of Fungi Down Under is well under way and we need images of the following species. Species in bold we currently have zero images of 🙁 Amanita flavella Entoloma viridomarginatum Annulohypoxylon bovei Gyromitra tasmanica Oudemansiella exannul...
For kids to investigate fungi

Investigating Fungi by Gwen Pascoe, is a small, easy to handle and read book for primary school children. It explains the parts of some large fungi and how they grow and includes case studies of common and unusual fungi and ideas for children on how to inves...
NZ foray & colloquium 2019

Our friends, Fungal Network of NZ, are running a 4-day foray and 1-day colloquium next year at Awakeri – a hot springs area – near the north coast of the North Island, May 12-18 2019. Awakeri has easy access to forests and spectacular reserves in t...