Fungi images needed for FDU2

Fungi images needed for FDU2

The second edition of Fungi Down Under is well under way. This edition will have 100 further species, bringing the total number of species to 200. We will also be including pages giving further information on each of the major groups covered in the book. We (e...

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Map project kicks off

Map project kicks off

Putting Victorian Fungi on the map has started with two-day events underway in May and June. These are: training sessions in the important role of fungi and advice about good fungi habitat, and work in the field to assist participants in recognising their loca...

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Sarah Lloyd, ABC TV, slime moulds

Sarah Lloyd, ABC TV, slime moulds

On ABC Gardening Australia, 18 Mar 2018 Sarah Lloyd provided a glimpse into the fascinating world of slime moulds – with their spore-producing stages appearing like tiny pieces of jewellery. Sarah emphasises the vital role of fallen logs and litter as ha...

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A Little Book of Corals, re-released

A Little Book of Corals, re-released

Pat and Ed Grey’s A LITTLE BOOK OF CORALS (REVISION 3) 2018 (2) has been revised and now contains descriptions and photographs of 39 species including 5 new species: Clavicorona taxophila, Clavulina tasmanica, Ramaria pyrispora, Ramaria watlingii and Ra...

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